Sell the Sizzle
Sell the Sizzle
"Sell the Sizzle," hosted by sales veteran Mick Holly, focuses on the art of selling benefits over features, offering insights for a range of professionals.
Mick Holly

How To Be The ONLY Game in Town

S2 E1 • Jan 31, 2024 • 57 mins

In this episode, Mick Holly chats with Roy Osing author of Be Different or Be Dead. Roy shares how he took a business from startup to $1billion is sales through Audacious Unheard of Marketing. He also reveals how to craft your ONLY STATEMENT - how to position yourself as truly unique. Don't miss this episode!

Key Points

  • Roy Osing emphasizes the importance of being audacious in business, advocating for bold and unconventional strategies to create a billion-dollar company.
  • The concept of marketing to cravings rather than needs is highlighted, suggesting that understanding and catering to what customers deeply desire can set a business apart and command premium prices.
  • Roy introduces the "only statement" as a method for differentiation, encouraging businesses to reframe their approach and position themselves as the unique provider of something that no other competitor offers.

You can contact Roy at:

[email protected]

or go to his website:

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