Sell the Sizzle
Sell the Sizzle
"Sell the Sizzle," hosted by sales veteran Mick Holly, focuses on the art of selling benefits over features, offering insights for a range of professionals.
Mick Holly

Why Offering Too Many Features Can Kill the Deal

E38 • Sep 6, 2023 • 13 mins

Prospects search for features, but they buy advantages and benefits. They equate features with price perception, thinking more features mean a heftier price tag and complexity. On the flip side, they associate benefits with value. In this episode, we're going to be your bartenders, mixing up the perfect cocktail of sales success. Join us as we reveal the secret recipe, the right proportions of features, advantages, and benefits that will have your prospects raising their glasses to your pitch. Get ready to stir up your sales game like never before!

Key Points

  • Mastering the FAB (Features, Advantages, Benefits) sales technique can significantly enhance your ability to close deals by focusing on what truly matters to the buyer.
  • Features are the technical specifications of a product, advantages show how it outdoes the competition, but benefits are the emotional triggers that make a product irresistible by showcasing its impact on the customer's life or business.
  • Always pair every feature with an advantage and a benefit to avoid overwhelming the buyer with price perception and complexity, and instead, connect emotionally to drive action and sales.
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