Sell the Sizzle
Sell the Sizzle
"Sell the Sizzle," hosted by sales veteran Mick Holly, focuses on the art of selling benefits over features, offering insights for a range of professionals.
Mick Holly

Sell More by Making Your Ideas “Sticky” with BRAIN GLUE

S2 E4 • Feb 21, 2024 • 47 mins

Why do some ideas and phrases stick in our minds? I talk to James Bond author of Brain Glue on the science behind making your ads and marketing campaigns stick like glue so you stand out and are never forgotten. Don't miss this one

Key Points

  • Selling benefits over features involves eliciting an emotional response in the customer, which is more effective than logical persuasion alone.
  • Creating a memorable and emotionally resonant message can be achieved through techniques such as using rhymes, metaphors, and telling stories that the audience can identify with.
  • Understanding what your customers love about your product or service and who should not buy from you can help you target your sales pitch more effectively and resonate with the right audience.

Find James's book Brain Glue here:

Or go to Amazon and click this link:

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