Sell the Sizzle
Sell the Sizzle
"Sell the Sizzle," hosted by sales veteran Mick Holly, focuses on the art of selling benefits over features, offering insights for a range of professionals.
Mick Holly

Einstein, Flux Capacitor & Time Travel for Sales Success

S1 E50 • Jan 17, 2024 • 12 mins

In this episode, Mick Holly shows how by time warping your prospect into the future you can overcome any sales barriers. He delves into future-visioning and collaborative exploration with prospects, discusses emergent thinking's impact on sales conversations, and considers the role of emotion and imagination in sales. The episode concludes with thoughts on differentiating oneself from competitors through future-visioning.

Key Points

  • Salespeople should focus on helping clients envision a future state where their problems are resolved rather than getting bogged down in the present issues, as this opens up possibilities and ignites desire for change.
  • By encouraging prospects to imagine the successful outcomes of their collaboration, salespeople create an emotional connection that makes objections and price less relevant, transforming the sales process into a co-creative experience.
  • Establishing oneself as a "time lord" in sales means becoming a strategic peer who guides clients through envisioning an aspirational future, which fosters trust, long-term relationships, and distinguishes you from competitors focused on present problems.
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